Photo Table: Sharing Photos on iPad and iPhone using Multi-touch Input

Multi-touch Photo Sharing

I've been busy avoiding recruiters and graduating to work on a software startup in the RIT Summer Startup Program. Over the past four months we've been working out of RIT's Venture Creations at 125 Tech Park, Rochester, NY. Initially we focused on Artwork Evolution and printing integration, but have shifted directions into supporting photo sharing.

Our new product is called Photo Table. It's an app that enables sharing photos on iPad and iPhone. The uses multi-touch gestures seen first in my gesture based Wallpaper Evolution app for iPhone and iPad. The interactive Wallpaper Evolution app provided a mechanism to add one photo to the table at a time, but it lacked depth without photo album management. That changes with Photo Table.

Photo Table has been built from the ground up to support image management using the concept of albums. We can import albums from Facebook, Flickr, and the Photo Library. Any image can be added to an album or removed just like you'd expect. Once you have albums you can open them and show family and friends interactive slideshows. All the photos are stored in the app, so we support offline content viewing. We have a lot of fun with the App and are hoping that you'll be excited to try it.

Photo Table Facebook Album Importing


Add Music to Photo Albums for Sharing with Families
